Ayurvedic Courses of treatments
KATI BASTI course of treatments (for stenghtening the back)
1er jour : Nasya with ghee or Calamus, face massage with hot towel (15mn) + consultation (90mn) + kati basti, body massage with oil , swedana/steam (2 h) Autres jours : Nasya with ghee or Calamus, face massage with hot towel (15mn) + Kati basti, body massage with oil , swedana/steam (2h) Price : 1155€,
KATI BASTI course of treatments (for stenghtening the back) Read More »
The RASAYANA courses of treatments
Rasayana means Rejuvenation in Sanskrit…
First day :
Nasya and face massage with hot towels + consultation + pindaswedana, massage with oil and hot pouches of either hot sand or a hot pudding of herbs rice and milk.
Day No 3, 5, 7 :
Nasya and face massage with hot towels + pindaswedana, massage with oil and hot pouches of either hot sand or a hot pudding of herbs rice and milk.
Day No 2, 4, 6 :
Nasya and face massage with hot towels and pranic healing with crystals.
LANGHANA or BRIMHANA courses of treatment
Langhana (reducing) or Brimhana (replenishing)
– First day :
The FIVE SENSES courses of treatment
7 day course :
First day :
Nasya + netra basti + ear drops followed by face and head massage with hot towels + consultation
+ body massage + swedhana/steam + Sirodhara.
Other days :
Nasya + netra basti + ear drops followed by face and head massage with
hot towels + body massage + swedhana/steam + Sirodhara
Made to measure courses of treatment
According to Ayurveda, each person is unique, so we propose courses designed exclusively for each individual person.
The courses begin with a consultation with Claire Lalève or her assistant where we decide together on the best treatments. We can adjust to your health, your budget, your needs and your time.
One day courses of treatment
Amavata (for flexibility); nasya and face massage with hot towels + consultation + pindaswedana, massage with oil and hot pouches of either hot sand or herb pudding made with herbs rice and milk + 1 kansu feet massage + 1 meal + 2 herbal teas
Five senses : nasya +netra basti + ear drops followed by face and head massage with hot towels + consultation + massage + swedhana/steam + Sirodhara + 1 meal + 2 herbal teas